Non-cheesy Facebook and Twitter Too!

Brides 2014 American Wedding Study

Brides 2014 American Wedding Study

While promotions and marketing are important in reaching brides and grooms, Moon River Productions take a somewhat different approach with our methods and reasoning. You'll find us online at the top wedding industry sites such as and, but instead of filling our Facebook and Twitter feeds with "stuff" just to have "stuff" to say, we like to offer something of value. Our "non-cheesy" approach to DJing and entertainment overlaps with what we choose to post online as well.    

BRIDES -- the number-one bridal brand in the world -- just announced the results from their 2014 American Wedding Study, the definitive analysis of spending and behavior around wedding planning. You can check out this intensive study HERE

We hope what we offer online and at Facebook and Twitter has some value to you and helps with your planning. We're always available for questions, so don't hesitate to call on us at any time.